[mapserver-dev] PostGIS "curvepolygon" support

Flavio Hendry flavio at tydac.ch
Wed Aug 4 06:58:16 EDT 2010

Hi all

As far as I see, this is not supported yet (polygons without curves are 
drawn, the ones with curves not). Any idea if it will be and when. Thanks.

Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best regards
Flavio Hendry

TYDAC Inc.  - http://www.tydac.ch
Web Mapping - http://www.mapserver.ch
Swiss Maps  - http://www.mapplus.ch
############      Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind Regards
############     Flavio Hendry, CEO - mailto:flavio at tydac.ch
############         TYDAC AG - http://www.tydac.ch
####    ####        Geographic Information Solutions
####    ####       Optingenstrasse 27 -- CH-3013 Bern
############   Tel +41 (0)31 368 0180 - Fax +41 (0)31 368 1860
    Location: http://www.mapplus.ch/adr/bern/optingenstrasse/27

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