[mapserver-dev] FW: [MapServer] #3519: map UNITS AUTO from PROJECTION units

Lime, Steve D (DNR) Steve.Lime at state.mn.us
Thu Aug 19 11:49:58 EDT 2010

Is it possible to easily derive units from a projection definition in Proj?

-----Original Message-----
From: mapserver-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:mapserver-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Daniel Morissette
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 10:21 AM
To: mapserver-dev
Subject: Re: [mapserver-dev] FW: [MapServer] #3519: map UNITS AUTO from PROJECTION units

Lime, Steve D (DNR) wrote:
> Seems like a reasonable idea but also one that I would think has been discussed 
> before. Thoughts?


PHP MapScript's mapObj.setProjection() already has a second (optional)
argument that can be used to automatically adjust the units and extents
to match the new projection.

The projectionObj also has a getUnits() method in PHP. Not sure if it's
there in the other languages.

Daniel Morissette
mapserver-dev mailing list
mapserver-dev at lists.osgeo.org

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