[mapserver-dev] http://old-mapserver.gis.umn.edu/

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Fri Feb 5 14:58:15 EST 2010

Lime, Steve D (DNR) wrote:
> Any reason to keep the old “blue” site running at the UMN? I don’t think 
> so but I wanted to check. I probably could get an archive if necessary 
> but I can’t imagine there’s anything useful there anymore. Any 
> objections to having it shut down?

I can't think of any reason. It has been what 4+ years since we move 
from that site and anything that we might have left behind has probably 
already been fetched or is significantly out of date.

I quick breeze through that site does not indicate anything that I can 
see that might be useful. Others might want to look also:


-Steve W

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