[mapserver-dev] MS RFC 37: AUTO Projection Support

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Feb 23 00:28:16 EST 2010

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Howard Butler wrote:
>>> - I'm not sure if this is the same question as Frank's, but, what 
>>> happens
>>> when no projection info can be read from the source file, when using
> Jeff,
> Good question.
>> It will be an unfilled projectionObj, which is what a layer with no
>> PROJECTION object currently ends up with.
> Howard,
> I'm not sure I'm happy with this answer.  If the person puts PROJECTION 
> and MapServer just silently treats this as a layer with no projection
> information because there is nothing available from the file, this could
> be very misleading. I'd like to suggest instead that an error be issued
> by MapServer in this situation, suggesting the PROJECTION block be 
> commented
> out or manually filled as MapServer is unable to automatically provide
> coordinate system information for the dataset in question.
> Also, we should ensure there is a nicely formatted debug message reporting
> on the projection value substituted for AUTO so that folks who are
> trying to peak under the hood will know what is actually happening.


I support your idea of issuing an error message with that 
suggestion...this would be helpful for users.


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