[mapserver-dev] Ready for 5.6.2?

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Mar 16 19:08:30 EDT 2010


(i'm back to reality, NA, on Saturday)


Daniel Morissette wrote:
> Hi Dev's,
> I believe the two issues that were blocking the 5.6.2 release have been 
> addressed: Tamas' MSSQL2008 driver fixes, and Steve's isValidItem fix to 
> support OGR special attributes (#3356).
> Is there still anything blocking the 5.6.2 release? If not then I 
> propose that we release the current branch-5-6 SVN as 5.6.2 on Thursday.
> And I start with my +1
> Daniel

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