[mapserver-dev] MS RFC 68: Support for combining features from
multiple layers (Call for discussion)
Tamas Szekeres
szekerest at gmail.com
Fri Feb 11 06:28:11 EST 2011
2011/2/11 Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com>
> This is more an abstract use case where separating the combining from the
> clustering might be useful.
> Today, you can combine multiple files using a tileindex, but only if they
> have the same attributes, and description. In theory, it might be nice to be
> able to have multiple source layers that have similar attributes and to be
> able to combine them into a single layer using some compatible subset of the
> source column attributes so that the combined layer could be treated as a
> single layer with the benefits of LABEL MINDISTANCE nnn, or querying it to
> get a single closest object, etc.
Hi Steve,
I didn't understand exactly what Frank meant by combining and clustering
should be different. Assuming you are talking about the same thing it looks
like it is caused by a terminology confusion as we interpret the term
'combining' differently. In my variant 'combining' and 'clustering' are just
the same: creating a single aggregated feature from multiple neighbouring
Getting back to the use case you described it could also be implemented, but
it may require to do some adjustments in the proposed implementation:
1. We would expect that the features are served from the union layer and not
from the source layers (the source layers should be hidden in effect).
2. The ITEMS processing option should be set (probably at the union layer)
to specify the set of the attributes we intend to use.
3. In the union layer we should maintain some state in layerinfo to track
which layer is actually used to provide the features (in NextShape)
4. We should also provide the identification of the features (probably the
tileindex would be sufficient to store the layer index?)
There may be some problems if we would like to use the same symbology for
the features on the union layer and the source layers. We might probably
support STYLEITEM AUTO on the union layer which could be impemented by
retieving the the corresponding class from the source layer.
So I think the idea of building modular filters and being about to chain
> them together might have some value. On the other hand, there maybe be some
> significant value in performance to combining and clustering in a single
> step, but you probably have a better idea based on how things are
> structured.
Isolating these options would not necessarily impact the performance and we
iterate the features in a similar way for both cases. In this case we would
probably set at least 3 layers chaining together to carry out the
functionality we are targeting. But the option of chaining modular filters
together reminds me to the discussions around RFC-22 which could not get
noticeable support since it doesn't fit well in the concept of 'MapServer is
not a full-featured GIS system, nor does it aspire to be.' The
implementation should probably be 'simple' from the aspect of the user as
well as the developer. (I'm on the developer's side in most cases.)
> Regarding the whole RFC, I find it impressive and probably a little
> intimidating also. My first concern would be that I hope this does not
> impact performance in any significant way for people that are not using it.
> Beyond that, it seems well thought out, but there is a lot there and I think
> I need to read it again when my eyes are not glazing over :) I'll try to
> reread it in the morning.
I'm not sure what you guys mean by 'intimidating' here? Is this related to
the functionality itself? Or the proposed implementation? Most of the
functionality would be encapsulated in a separate layer data provider which
could infact be a plugin not requiring to incorporate that in the MapServer
codebase at all. The only noticeable thing we would add is the changes in
the vtable creation but it could eventually be ommitted if we implement this
'union' layer separately. I'll do some investigation in this regard.
Best regards,
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