[mapserver-dev] Motion: Adopt 6.0 release plan and enter release mode

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Fri Feb 25 19:24:35 EST 2011

+1, Any idea where we stand with features listed vs. features integrated?

Assefa - were you able to get the tilecache support integrated?
If not any chance that that can get submitted before the freeze?

   -Steve W

On 2/25/2011 3:01 PM, Daniel Morissette wrote:
> Hi Devs,
> A few weeks ago we discussed a possible February 28 feature freeeze
> date, but since Feb 28 is only a few days away and I'd like to leave a
> bit of time for a few RFCs to be wrapped up (thinking of RFC 67, 68 and
> 69 at least), then I propose that we move our target feature freeze date
> to Friday March 4th, and vote to make that official right away to
> prevent the dates from slipping again. I also propose myself as release
> manager (I kinda like that job), but don't hesitate to speak up if you'd
> like to see someone else in that role instead.
> That would give the following dates:
> * Feature freeze - Fri. March 4, 2011
> * 6.0.0-beta1 - Wed. March 9, 2011
> * 6.0.0-beta2 - Wed. March 16, 2011 (coincides with Montreal Code
> Sprint, date may change)
> * 6.0.0-beta3 - Wed. March 23, 2011
> * 6.0.0-beta3 - Wed. March 30, 2011
> * 6.0.0-rc1 - Wed. April 6, 2011
> * 6.0.0-rc2 - Wed. April 13, 2011
> * 6.0.0 (final) - Wed. April 20, 2011
> I have updated the 6.0 release plan in the wiki to reflect this proposal
> at http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/wiki/60ReleasePlan
> Note that the feature list in the release plan needs updating to reflect
> what really made it in 6.0, but this can be done between now and the
> final release.
> ***
> I propose that we adopt the MapServer 6.0 release plan at
> http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/wiki/60ReleasePlan, with a feature
> freeze date of March 4, 2011, and a release date around April 20, 2011
> with Daniel Morissette acting as Release Manager.
> ***
> And I start with my +1
> Daniel

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