[mapserver-dev] Performance problem with oracle spatial in mapserver 6

Tamas Szekeres szekerest at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 17:47:38 EDT 2011

2011/6/1 Smith, Michael ERDC-CRREL-NH <michael.smith at usace.army.mil>

> The next obvious question is, are there specific use cases where the
> scrollable cursor needs to be used? For straight cgi drawing (wms and
> mode=map), it works fine but I haven’t investigated the various query modes,
> mapscript, etc. Was there a specific reason that the cursor type was changed

This issue is possibly related to the single pass query implementation in
the Oracle driver. I've run into a similar issue with mssql2008 when trying
to implement the same. In my opinion there's no need to make the cursor
scrollable in most cases (like in the normal drawing) since it affects the
overall performance in a harmful way. With regards to mssql2008 I've ended
up with a second fetch for the query results and use the forward only cursor
to get the shapes sequentially then. This results in 2 fetch instead of one
but avoid scrollable cursors at all.

Best regards,

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