[mapserver-dev] Documentation updates

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Fri May 13 14:34:54 EDT 2011

Hello everyone,

If you contribute docs to MapServer, or a dev who makes changes, here 
are some notes:

- the main site now runs off branch-6.0
- trunk docs are now tagged as 6.2-dev
- if you make any changes to the branch make sure you always apply the 
same change to trunk (several cases happened yesterday throughout the 
day, and night, where contributors did not apply their changes to trunk, 
and when we tagged the trunk docs as 6.0 we lost changes that were only 
in 5.6 branch)
- website branch and trunk is regenerated every 2 hours
- with all of the contributors now (devs, docs team) there are many many 
latex and pdf errors (900 page pdf), so pdf generation is disabled on 
our website scripts until we fix the errors
- I ask that all contributors (from a dev who makes a 2 second change, 
or for a doc contributor) execute a 'make html' on their local machine 
and preview the changes (and remove all sphinx errors and warnings) 
before committing their change.
- finally, as of this morning we have a new volunteer from China....so 
you might notice a China flag in our trunk docs!  thanks Elvis! (Elvis 
maybe you could introduce yourself here soon)

Thanks to everyone's contributions and hard work!


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