[mapserver-dev] [Announce] Change of source code repository and issue tracker

Salvatore Larosa lrssvtml at gmail.com
Sat Apr 7 05:44:43 EDT 2012

Great job, thanks!


Il giorno sab, 07/04/2012 alle 11.34 +0200, thomas bonfort ha scritto:
> The MapServer team is excited to announce it is migrating its source
> code repository and bug tracker to github. We believe this move will
> allow us to work more efficiently on new features and bugfixes, while
> facilitating exterior contributions.
> We now have 4 separate repositories for our different sub-projects:
> - mapserver: https://github.com/mapserver/mapserver
> - docs (website): https://github.com/mapserver/docs
> - tinyows: https://github.com/mapserver/tinyows
> - mapcache: https://github.com/mapserver/mapcache
> The old issue tracker at http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ has been set
> to read-only. New issues, or updates to existing issues (issue numbers
> have been preserved) , should now be added at
> https://github.com/mapserver/mapserver/issues
> If you do not already have a github account, you will need to create
> one before being able to update the github site. Note that your
> github userid is different from your osgeo userid.
> The new issue tracker will not email you on ticket updates if you had
> reported or commented on an issue. If you wish to be notified on
> certain tickets, you should navigate to that specific issue page and
> enable notifications (near the bottom of the page).
> Notes for doc commits (including RFCs):
>  - Commit access for the documentation contributors hasn't yet been
> fully accomplished. If you are a doc committer and need to be added to
> the github commiters, please send your github id and old osgeo id to
> daniel, steve or thomas who will open access for you.
>  - You should commit doc changes to the stable branch (currently
> branch-6-0, soon branch-6-2) *only*. Updating the master branch (ex
> trunk) is done by merging the stable branch into it, and does not need
> to be done immediately (i.e. if you're not sure, only commit and push
> your changes to branch-6-0). The only exception for commiting to
> master is when you are documenting a feature that will be introduced in
> the next release.
> Best regards.
> _______________________________________________
> mapserver-dev mailing list
> mapserver-dev at lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/mapserver-dev

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