[mapserver-dev] Mapserver memory leaks

Alan Boudreault aboudreault at mapgears.com
Wed Feb 1 16:39:45 EST 2012

Hi Ian,

It's a good time to fix them for the next MS 6.2 release. Please create 
a ticket with test cases and the valgrind output. Do you know if the bug 
is related to the data source used?


On 12-02-01 03:44 PM, Ian Walberg wrote:
> Folks,
> We have a mapscript (6.x) application which runs as a process so the php
> script does not exit.
> What we appear to be seeing (using valgrind) is a surprisingly large
> number of memory leaks.
> Our next step is to look into each one and try and determine the cause
> but they appear to be in multiple places.
> Does anyone have any experience of similar conditions?
> Many thanks
> Ian
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Alan Boudreault

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