[mapserver-dev] 6.4 open issues

thomas bonfort thomas.bonfort at gmail.com
Mon Aug 5 09:49:26 PDT 2013

I can have a look, can you send me the cmake logs? Ideally I'd like to
support 2.6 also, which was the case some time ago.


On 5 August 2013 18:46, Lime, Steve D (MNIT) <Steve.Lime at state.mn.us> wrote:
> There some SDE-related ones that I'll take care of if I can get cmake working properly. Cmake 2.6.2 is failing on SuSE 11 sp1. Do you care about these or is the stock answer upgrade to 2.8?
> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mapserver-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:mapserver-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of thomas bonfort
> Sent: Monday, August 05, 2013 8:19 AM
> To: MapServer Dev Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [mapserver-dev] 6.4 open issues
> <release manager mode>
> Since two weeks have passed since my initial email with virtually no reaction from most of those concerned, I would ask you to *please* go through your assigned list of issues marked for 6.4 at https://github.com/mapserver/mapserver/issues?milestone=35&state=open
> . We are supposed to be feature-freezing and releasing a first beta in the coming days, if no action is taken in the coming week I will unilaterally de-milestone the issues that I consider irrelevant for 6.4.
> </release manager mode>
> regards,
> thomas
> On 22 July 2013 13:04, thomas bonfort <thomas.bonfort at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Devs, (and more particularly Alan, Steve, Tamas and Thomas),
>> Can you please go through the issues that are open for 6.4 and check
>> that you are effectively planning on implementing/fixing your assigned
>> issues in time for the 6.4 release. Some issues would also appear to
>> be resolved and should be closed.
>> thanks.
>> Thomas
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