[mapserver-dev] MapServer Project Status Report at FOSS4G-NA

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Tue Feb 12 06:29:57 PST 2013

Steve, and all,

Have you tought about submitting a "MapServer Project Status Report" 
presentation proposal for FOSS4G-NA? With all the MapServer 6.2 
enhancements, plus the new MapCache and TinyOWS components we should 
have lots of interesting news to report. Actually, Thomas gave a talk on 
this when he came here for Rendez-vous OSGeo-Qc and probably has some 
material that could be reused.

Unfortunately Thomas is away until the 24th, so he won't be back in time 
to submit something. I can take care of it unless someone already did 
it, or even better you (SteveL) could lead it as the father of the project.

Another presentation idea that I had was something along the lines of 
"MapServer, 18 years of history" ... more soft stuff, but it would be 
cool to relate the history of MapServer as FOSS4G-NA is coming back to 
MapServer's home land. I'd be happy to lead this one and whoever wants 
to join would be welcome. Once again if SteveL wants to lead that would 
be even better...

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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