[mapserver-dev] MapServer Project Status Report at FOSS4G-NA

Smith, Michael ERDC-CRREL-NH Michael.Smith at usace.army.mil
Wed Feb 13 06:30:16 PST 2013


Currently I plan to be at all three. Let me know what I can do to
assist/contribute to the presentations.


Michael Smith

US Army Corps
Remote Sensing GIS/Center

On 2/12/13 9:33 AM, "Daniel Morissette" <dmorissette at mapgears.com> wrote:

>Actually, maybe I should ask for a show of hands: which contributors and
>PSC members will be at FOSS4G-NA?
>And while we're at it: who is planning on being at the Boston Code
>Sprint in March?
>I'll be there for both.
>On 13-02-12 9:29 AM, Daniel Morissette wrote:
>> Steve, and all,
>> Have you tought about submitting a "MapServer Project Status Report"
>> presentation proposal for FOSS4G-NA? With all the MapServer 6.2
>> enhancements, plus the new MapCache and TinyOWS components we should
>> have lots of interesting news to report. Actually, Thomas gave a talk on
>> this when he came here for Rendez-vous OSGeo-Qc and probably has some
>> material that could be reused.
>> Unfortunately Thomas is away until the 24th, so he won't be back in time
>> to submit something. I can take care of it unless someone already did
>> it, or even better you (SteveL) could lead it as the father of the
>> Another presentation idea that I had was something along the lines of
>> "MapServer, 18 years of history" ... more soft stuff, but it would be
>> cool to relate the history of MapServer as FOSS4G-NA is coming back to
>> MapServer's home land. I'd be happy to lead this one and whoever wants
>> to join would be welcome. Once again if SteveL wants to lead that would
>> be even better...
>Daniel Morissette
>Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
>mapserver-dev mailing list
>mapserver-dev at lists.osgeo.org

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