[mapserver-dev] Daytona Code Sprint - Vector Tiles Update

Lime, Steve D (MNIT) Steve.Lime at state.mn.us
Fri Feb 17 13:08:49 PST 2017

Been meaning to do this all week. FWIW the Daytona code sprint was really good. The MapServer contingent was relatively small but I think all that were there made some good progress. Personally I was working on vector tile support and have a working branch available if anyone cares to check it out. The work was based completely on Thomas' initial version and I just worked to make that code more stable and to integrate with MapServer WMS and tile services.

If you're interested you can get at my repo at:


I've tested with several of the Leaflet-based clients and also MapBox-GL. Seems to work just fine using mode=tile. Next up is a formal RFC and MapCache integration.

Again, most the credit goes to Thomas...


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