[mapserver-dev] Downloading GeoTIFFs with overviews from WCS

Rahkonen Jukka (MML) jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Tue May 2 12:12:36 PDT 2017


For downloading raster images from WCS so that they could used directly in applications in most effective way they should be tiled, compressed, and include overviews. Compression and tiling can be handled fine with Mapserver and GeoTIFF Coverage Encoding Profile extension. Only thing that is missing is the creation of overviews on the server side.

If Mapserver would be able to deliver GeoTIFFs enhanced with overviews some days, would it be then from WPS through some CreateOverviews process, or from WCS by applying out own vendor options?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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