[mapserver-dev] Proposed PSC Additions

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Tue Dec 11 07:41:14 PST 2018

+1 to both.

On 12/11/18 6:27 AM, Stephan Meißl wrote:
> Absolutely big +1 to both.
> cu
> Stephan
> On 12/10/18 22:21, Lime, Steve D (MNIT) wrote:
>> Hi all: It’s been a little while since we’ve had any changes on the
>> MapServer PSC – last change was Steve Woodbridge’s resignation. I was
>> thinking that it would make sense to add a few folks to the mix and
>> maybe get some new energy going. So, I’d like to propose adding a couple
>> of new members:
>> 1)      Even Rouault – I think everyone knows Even and the excellent
>> work he’s contributed to MapServer and a myriad of other projects. I
>> know he’s spread thin these days but the breadth of his experience would
>> be invaluable as a formal PSC member.
>> 2)      Seth  Girvin – Seth (or more commonly geographika) is one of the
>> most active contributors to MapServer these days. He’s taken ownership
>> of Python MapScript, recently worked with other folks to update PHP 7
>> support in master and has been active with Python MapScript and OSGeo
>> Live. He’s also the development lead for mappyfile – a pure Python
>> parser for MapFiles.
>> I think both Even and Seth would be terrific additions to the PSC and
>> would like to start with an enthusiastic +1 for each.
>> --Steve
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