[mapserver-dev] Unknown MapServer/inasafe fork

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Mon Oct 12 09:07:02 PDT 2020

Update: I've reached out to Tim Sutton, who was heavily involved in 
InaSAFE, and that orphaned/inactive fork comes from someone 
working/worked with him.


On 2020-10-12 12:49 p.m., Jeff McKenna wrote:
> Hi devs,
> I've noticed that we have included in our Github "MapServer 
> organization" a fork of the InaSAFE project: 
> https://github.com/MapServer/inasafe
> This seems to be a mistake, maybe someone with privileges forked it here 
> years ago by accident.  (I am very aware of the well-funded InaSAFE 
> project that ran for many years, and included a QGIS plugin)
> Any objections to removing this fork from our Github instance? (as it 
> appears to outsiders that we are maintaining this as part of the 
> MapServer project)
> Thanks,
> -jeff

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