[mapserver-dev] MapServer Project 2020 Budget Expenditure Request

Steve Lime sdlime at gmail.com
Fri Jan 1 09:01:08 PST 2021

Hi Mike: On behalf of the MapServer PSC I would like to request the
following expenditures against the 2020 MapServer project budget:

   1. $500 for release manager role support for the 7.6 release
(05/08/2020) - Jeff McKenna
   2. $500 for release manager role support for the 7.6.1 and 7.6.2
releases (07/21/2020 and 12/07/2020) – Jeff McKenna
   3. $600 for vulnerability and release management support for the
PHP/MapScript error handling issue. Includes the 6.4.6 and 7.4.4
releases and associated patching of other branches. (03/21/2020) –
Jeff McKenna

These activities and amounts align with our project priorities as detailed here:


The motion and PSC voting details can be found in this thread:


Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional
information. This request closes out activity against our 2020 project
budget. I'd like to thank OSGeo for the support and look forward to working
with you in 2021!

Best regards, Steve

Stephen Lime
MapServer PSC Chair
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