[mapserver-dev] Motion: rename default 'master' branch to 'main'

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Jan 12 12:54:16 PST 2021


Some may remember a past discussion here about possibly renaming our 
'master' branch to a less insensitive name as 'main'.  It was decided to 
wait a bit, as Github stated that by January 2021 it would make it 
easier to change the default branch name 

I have checked our settings today and indeed it is now possible through 
the regular settings.

For our code repository, 'MapServer', here is the dialog window before 
pressing the 'rename branch' button: https://pasteboard.co/JJlr3xy.png

For those not wanting to click an external link, it states that Github 
will automatically:
- update 8 pull requests targeting this branch across 6 repositories
- update 1 branch protection rule that explicitly targets 'master'
*note that renaming this branch will not update your members' local 

For our documentation repository, 'MapServer-documentation', here is the 
dialog window before pressing the 'rename branch' button: 

As you can see the impacts on the documentation are less because there 
are no open pull requests etc.

So, it is a good time to move forward with this.  Could there be some 
other impacts?  Possibly, but I believe it is worth trying now, and we 
can adapt if necessary.

I motion to rename the default 'master' branch to 'main' for the 
MapServer and MapServer-documentation repositories.

I'll start with a +1

PS. happy 2021 to everyone


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