[mapserver-dev] Fwd: [Projects] Fwd: Scheduling of the Joint OGC OSGeo ASF Virtual Code Sprint

Steve Lime sdlime at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 08:03:29 PST 2021

Quick FYI... I'm hoping to participate regarding OGC API implementation in
MapServer 8.0. --Steve

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Angelos Tzotsos <gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 7:40 AM
Subject: [Projects] Fwd: Scheduling of the Joint OGC OSGeo ASF Virtual Code
To: OSGeo Board <board at lists.osgeo.org>, <standards at lists.osgeo.org>,
projects at lists.osgeo.org <projects at lists.osgeo.org>, OSGeo Discussions <
discuss at lists.osgeo.org>

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: Scheduling of the Joint OGC OSGeo ASF Virtual Code Sprint
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2021 12:48:37 +0000
From: Gobe Hobona <ghobona at ogc.org> <ghobona at ogc.org>
To: oapi-styles.swg at lists.opengeospatial.org,
EDR-API.SWG at lists.opengeospatial.org,
ogcapi-records.swg at lists.opengeospatial.org, OGC API Maps SWG
<ogcapi-maps.swg at lists.opengeospatial.org>
<ogcapi-maps.swg at lists.opengeospatial.org>, OGC WFS-FES SWG
<WFS-FES.SWG at lists.opengeospatial.org>
<WFS-FES.SWG at lists.opengeospatial.org>,
ogcapi-common.swg at lists.opengeospatial.org,
ogcapi-processes.swg at lists.opengeospatial.org,
coverages.swg at lists.opengeospatial.org,
OGCAPI-Tiles.SWG at lists.opengeospatial.org,
routing.swg at lists.opengeospatial.org
CC: Martin Desruisseaux <martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.com>
<martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.com>, Angelos Tzotsos <tzotsos at osgeo.org>
<tzotsos at osgeo.org>


The Joint Virtual Code Sprint will be held on the 17th, 18th and 19th of
February 2021 starting from 07:00am EST until 05:30pm EST each day.

Please reserve the dates in your calendars.

The formal announcement is being prepared and will include a link to the
Registration page.



On 12 Jan 2021, at 13:21, Gobe Hobona <ghobona at ogc.org> <ghobona at ogc.org>


The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), and
Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) are currently planning a joint
Virtual Code Sprint to be held during the second half of February 2021.

The code sprint will cover multiple ASF and OSGeo projects, and OGC
standards. The code sprint is open to all participants in ASF, OSGeo and
OGC, even if you are not active members or contributors to the efforts of
the organizers.

To help us schedule the sprint, please enter your availability for the
sprint into the Doodle poll at https://doodle.com/poll/3ptyzi9vwfuak5bq

The Doodle poll will close on Tuesday 19th January 2021 at 17:00 EST.

Please feel free to forward this message to any colleagues that may be



Gobe Hobona, PhD MRICS
Director of Product Management, Standards | Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
Tel: +44 744 409 6781
ghobona at ogc.org <mailto:ghobona at ogc.org> <ghobona at ogc.org> | ogc.org
<http://ogc.org/> <http://ogc.org/> | @opengeospatial

 <https://www.ogc.org/webinars> <https://www.ogc.org/webinars>

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Projects at lists.osgeo.org
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