[mapserver-dev] Question about the bad mapfile pattern (vulnerability) check

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Feb 10 12:18:18 PST 2022

I suppose that is another performance hit.  So cancel that one, ha.

Anyway, I do think it's good to discuss the issues, even if nothing else 
can be done.

I'll continue to tackle this on the packaging side.


On 2022-02-10 4:09 p.m., Jeff McKenna wrote:
> For example (me thinking out of the box), could the MapServer config 
> file contain a section where users can specify paths or characters to 
> disallow (not a regular expression), and then MapServer would convert 
> that to a regular expression (in either PCRE or libregex syntax) and 
> apply it at run-time.
> -jeff
> On 2022-02-10 4:00 p.m., Jeff McKenna wrote:
>> The tricky part here is that most recent packages use the PCRE regular 
>> expression library, because of its open BSD license, but the "bad" 
>> pattern hardcoded into the MapServer source is for libregex, which is 
>> GPL based, and that expression won't work with the PCRE engine.
>> My thoughts were when the idea of a "MapServer config file" coming, 
>> was that phew, then users can just point to their valid mapfiles there 
>> with simple paths or even wildcard paths or directories, and we can 
>> completely remove that bad pattern stuff from the source code.
>> So I assumed that the new config file would save us.  In fact the 
>> config file is just another place to put the bad pattern, which, 
>> honestly most MapServer users will never understand nor have the time 
>> to understand.
>> I am wondering, when we re-look at the bad pattern stuff, if we can 
>> think of a way that the new config file can replace the hardcoding 
>> inside the MapServer source.
>> I hope it's ok to wonder here out loud, ha.
>> -jeff
>> On 2022-02-10 3:05 p.m., Tamas Szekeres wrote:
>>> Steve,
>>> I think we cannot avoid to be platform dependent in this regard. A 
>>> single slash at the beginning on Windows systems should not be 
>>> accepted, because it can specify a relative path, however a double 
>>> back slash at the beginning is accepted (absolute path of a network 
>>> share). Currently the single slash at the beginning is accepted in 
>>> all platforms.
>>> Applying environment variables might not be a trivial task in all run 
>>> time environments, so I think the default behavior should work in 
>>> that way which can do the right thing in most use cases.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Tamas
>>> Steve Lime <sdlime at gmail.com <mailto:sdlime at gmail.com>> ezt írta 
>>> (időpont: 2022. febr. 10., Cs, 15:48):
>>>     The idea was to limit things to local paths with no back references
>>>     by default. We're not distinguishing between OSes in setting that
>>>     pattern. It's possible it's a bit overzealous so we could tweak the
>>>     default if that makes sense across operating systems. It can be
>>>     overridden by environment variable (or within the config file) and
>>>     could be turned off completely with an expression that will never 
>>> match.
>>>     On Thu, Feb 10, 2022 at 4:34 AM Tamas Szekeres <szekerest at gmail.com
>>>     <mailto:szekerest at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>         Hi Developers,
>>>         I noticed that the double back slashes are excluded from the
>>>         accepted mapfile pattern in one of the commits not too long ago
>>>         according to security vulnerability reasons. The bad patten
>>>         regex is now looking like:
>>>         const char *ms_map_bad_pattern_default =
>>>         "[/\\]{2}|[/\\]?\\.+[/\\]|,";
>>>         Do we have a specific reason why we don't accept the double back
>>>         slashes at the beginning of the mapfile path? This normally
>>>         refers to a network share which is considered to be an absolute
>>>         path, and our use cases are working like that extensively. I
>>>         guess we wanted to exclude the relative paths basically, but it
>>>         seems not to be that case.
>>>         I'm also wondering if the double forward slashes at the
>>>         beginning makes much sense to exclude, since I think that is
>>>         treated as a single forward slash in the unix like systems which
>>>         is normally accepted.
>>>         Thanks,
>>>         Tamas
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Jeff McKenna
GatewayGeo: Developers of MS4W, MapServer Consulting and Training
co-founder of FOSS4G

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