[MapServer-dev] mapserver compiling errors

Martin Černý cernym at cesnet.cz
Tue Nov 1 07:13:42 PDT 2022


      It helped. It was my misunderstanding of the cmake messages. Thank 
you very much.



Dne 31. 10. 22 v 16:26 Jeff McKenna napsal(a):
> Exactly what I meant, now focus your efforts on removing those "CMake 
> Error" messages in that terminal output, and once you remove those the 
> build will work.  (use the HINTS that are given in each section of 
> that output, to disable or enable what you need)
> Hope that helps,
> -jeff
Ing. Martin Cerny
CESNET, z.s.p.o.
Zikova 4,
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic

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