[MapServer-dev] Random MapServer FOSS4G Development Notes

Steve Lime sdlime at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 15:22:26 PDT 2022

Thanks for the summary, this is great feedback. The OGC APIs in general
seem ripe for enhancements and I think some cloud focus is a great idea.

Off the top of my head some other important items in my mind are:

   - getting fuzzing going, either as part as OSSFuzz or some other
   mechanism (OSGeo infrastructure?)
   - converting all source files to C++ - but stopping short of a complete
   - starting a concerted effort to get our issue list down to a manageable
   size - perhaps a bug-a-day initiative
   - MapServer 8.0 OSGeo Live support


On Wed, Aug 31, 2022 at 2:45 PM Seth G <sethg at geographika.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi devs,
> Some random notes from discussions with various MapServer users and devs
> at FOSS4G. It might help drive discussions at a future PSC meeting.
> - OGC Maps API would ideally be the next big MapServer feature, but this
> would require developers and funding
> - The R language is popular in the data science community. SWIG supports R
> so R-MapScript bindings could possibly be added in a future version. I can
> send a message to the users-list to gauge interest.
> - MapServer is likely to be used as the rendering engine for the pygeoapi
> backend.
> - Having to add TEMPLATE "ttt" to layers seems strange to new users. Maybe
> something to look at removing or replacing?
> - Both CGI and FastCGI are used in production deployments. FastCGI usage
> is unaffected by the warm-up times for connecting to proj.db in newer
> versions of PROJ, however only CGI can be used in Amazon Lambda
> deployments. If no reprojections are required and inline projections are
> used, then it may be possible to skip this connection (paraphrasing - and
> possible a misunderstanding on my part, but it could be something to
> investigate).
> - From speaking to users, there are a few misunderstandings and gaps in
> docs/tutorials, including:
>   - how to set up cloud deployments of MapServer
>   - how multiple Mapfiles are run from a single MapServer instance (there
> is no overhead in having several Mapfiles)
>   - no tutorials on OGC Features setup
>   - there are many hidden cartographic features (thanks Lars for your talk
> that highlighted these!)
> Finally, people are very keen to try out MapServer 8.0, and lots of people
> are already using that branch.
> Feel free to comment or add to any of the above.
> Seth
> --
> web:https://geographika.net
> twitter: @geographika
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