[MapServer-dev] Custom Projections in MapServer 8 / Proj 6+

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Sun Jan 15 04:24:07 PST 2023

Hi Seth,

Le 15/01/2023 à 11:45, Seth G a écrit :
> Thanks Even for the details.
> I've been trying to get the text file approach working, but always seem to end up with the following error when using:
> http://localhost/mapserver/?map=./wxs/ows_wms2.map&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.0&REQUEST=GetMap&SRS=EPSG2:42304&BBOX=2258982,-70747.9140625,2615354.5,495480.9375&FORMAT=image/png&WIDTH=300&HEIGHT=200&STYLES=&LAYERS=road
> msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. proj error "projection not named" for "EPSG2:42304"

in https://github.com/mapServer/mapServer/pull/6484, I did work to 
accept non-EPSG codes, at least in the PROJECTION block. I don't recall 
if I tested them in a SRS= query parameter (likely seeing 
But my testing was likely limited to non-EPSG CRS defined in proj.db, 
not in +init text files.


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