[MapServer-dev] SCALEBAR "TRANSPARENT" option was supposed to have been removed on 8.0?

Mateus Medeiros mateus.medeiros at ecostage.com.br
Sun Oct 22 12:30:04 PDT 2023

Oh, sorry I missed that PR with the original discussion!

Thanks for going ahead and creating the PR inside the docs repo. I left a
comment in there that hopefully didn't come across as annoying.
Basically if the default is simply "OFF", then it still wouldn't explain
the behaviour I got in my mapfile.

Obviously, there's plenty of chance I messed up somewhere on my side, but
by now I'm looking at the source code to understand what that would be,
since I got nowhere reviewing my mapfiles alone.

>From my first look it seemed like the default in practice might be
inheriting "OUTPUTFORMAT", so I left the comment there. Of course if it's
not, then I'm still missing something and it's probably an error on my
side, so there would be no change needed to the documentation, but I
decided to left the comment there just in case.

Thanks for the work and all the help!
Mateus Medeiros

On Sun, 22 Oct 2023 at 05:51, Seth G <sethg at geographika.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi Mateus,
> You are correct - there is an issue with the documentation. Originally
> SCALEBAR TRANSPARENT was marked for removal in the RFC as it had been
> marked as deprecated since MapServer 4.6. However when testing I ran into
> the same issue as you, so the TRANSPARENT keyword was reinstated. This is
> the same with LEGEND TRANSPARENT. See discussion at
> https://github.com/MapServer/MapServer/pull/6342
> I've created a pull request for the docs at
> https://github.com/MapServer/MapServer-documentation/pull/860
> Thanks for reporting,
> Seth
> --
> web:https://geographika.net & https://mapserverstudio.net
> twitter: @geographika
> On Sat, Oct 21, 2023, at 10:42 PM, Mateus Medeiros via MapServer-dev wrote:
> Hello!
> I've been configuring a bunch of Mapserver 8.0 mapfiles for a WMS server
> that was served with GeoServer before. I had almost equivalent
> configurations but for the past two days struggled quite a bit to find a
> way to have an embedded scalebar box in the corner of the output of a
> GetMap request.
> Generating the scale itself on top was super easy, but it was always
> floating on top of the layers, making it quite hard to read in some cases.
> The OUTPUTFORMAT was configured to be a PNG with IMAGEMODE set to RGBA and
> TRANSPARENT set to ON. This is because I have a raster layer and a bunch of
> vector layers on top of it, but either of them can contain some holes and
> the vector styles are mostly outline colors, so I need the GetMap to output
> an image that can potentially have transparent areas.
> I saw a TRANSPARENT option in the SCALEBAR section in the docs that said
> "Should the background color for the scalebar be transparent." which sounds
> like just what I needed, but it said "Removed in version 8.0." and "This
> flag is now deprecated in favor of declaring transparency within
> OUTPUTFORMAT declarations. Default is off.". Unfortunately, setting
> transparency to OFF within the OUTPUTFORMAT declaration didn't work because
> then the resulting PNG had no transparency at all, including in the layers.
> I tried a bunch of different things with IMAGECOLOR and BACKGROUNDCOLOR,
> including setting different "alpha" values in the colors ("#FFFFFFDD"), but
> it seemed to make no difference. I was already accepting that I would have
> to render the box and then the label as separate repeated layers or maybe
> overlay that from outside Mapserver, but decided to take a look at the
> source code (which was surprisingly easy thankfully because the codebase is
> quite well-organized for a project this size made mostly in C) to see why
> IMAGECOLOR was not working the way I expected and/or if I could find
> anything useful in there about how to achieve what I wanted now that the
> TRANSPARENT option was removed.
> Then I found the function `msDrawScalebar` in the file `src/mapscale.c`,
> and in there I realized that the TRANSPARENT option seemed to still be
> accounted (
> https://github.com/MapServer/MapServer/blob/24d36f842c243f96eba88ff896db1bf34d8a687a/src/mapscale.c#L240-L248).
> To my surprise, after simply setting "TRANSPARENT" to "OFF" in my SCALEBAR
> section, lo and behold, it worked flawlessly (I could even control the
> opacity by including a color with the alpha part as IMAGECOLOR).
> So I went to the documentation repo and tried to find when the "Removed in
> 8.0" part was added and found the original change referencing RFC #133 (
> https://mapserver.org/development/rfc/ms-rfc-133.html). It seems the RFC
> explicitly lists the TRANSPARENT option of SCALEBAR as one that needed to
> be removed.
> For me it seemed like an error in the documentation, as I couldn't easily
> find a way to add a non-transparent background box on my SCALEBAR only and
> therefore it made more sense to me that the setting still existed instead
> of being removed or deprecated. Unfortunately I ended up using all the time
> I had to spare trying to identify if the intention was to keep the
> TRANSPARENT option and adding the removal comment was a mistake or if the
> comment was ok and the option should have been removed, but couldn't reach
> a conclusion.
> So I think there's either a bug in the documentation or a bug in Mapserver
> itself. If indeed the TRANSPARENT option inside the SCALEBAR section was
> supposed to be removed, then how would I go about achieving this
> non-transparent scalebar box within a transparent output in a GetMap WMS
> request? And if it's just the documentation that is wrong, should I just
> open a PR correcting that in the Mapserver docs repo? Or are there other
> steps I should take before as part of the process of contributing a change
> like that in the docs?
> Thanks for the help!
> Mateus Medeiros
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