[MapServer-dev] MapServer Sponsorship Links

Seth G sethg at geographika.co.uk
Thu Feb 1 12:24:18 PST 2024

Hi all,

I've found another sponsors page in the docs at https://mapserver.org/community/contributors.html#sponsors-past-and-present
I think this is the more recent version, and so https://mapserver.org/development/sponsors.html should be removed. 
I'd also like to add a couple of new sponsors to this page who've funded some of my time on MapServer for the last year(s). What is the process for this? Do I just need to make a pull request and merge to the docs, or do we need to vote?

Looking at the board meeting notes from https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2024-01-30 it looks like we won't get the budget request this year:

> Regarding projects, they have been asked to consider sponsorship within their annual financial needs. The board has
> decided on a maximum 2.5k USD for each project, due to the tight budget of OSGeo.

We might have to revise planned activities for the year listed at https://github.com/MapServer/MapServer/wiki/MapServer-2024-Budget
I should know on the 11th of February if the MapServer workshop is accepted for FOSS4G Europe. 
To cover the other items I think it would be worth sending an email to the mapserver-users list linking to https://github.com/MapServer/MapServer/wiki/Sponsorship. 
I can draft the email and send here first for review.

PSC members (and others) - please let me know your thoughts on the above,


web:https://geographika.net & https://mapserverstudio.net
twitter: @geographika

On Thu, Jan 18, 2024, at 7:42 PM, Steve Lime wrote:
>> I presume the first link would be the page to update?
> IMHO you're correct. It seems like both documents could really use a refresh... I think there's a difference between folks that donate their time and contribute to the project (e.g. the credits section of the README) and organizations that actually sponsor development work by funding existing developers (the sponsors page). 
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