[MapServer-dev] branch-8-2 notes for devs

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Sat Jun 8 13:12:11 PDT 2024

Hi all,

Some quick updates:

- as you have keenly noticed, a first beta went out a few days ago 
quietly, and a few important changes were made since (thanks Bas!)
- therefore a public beta2 was released today
   - direct link: 
- branch-8-2 has been created, and we can use the "backport branch-8-2" 
label accordingly for pull requests into that branch
- still tracking the release with the handy release page (with dates 
also etc) at 
- regarding the next 8.4.0 release, tracking that plan through: 
   - if you have features in mind please add them there

Thanks again all, and have a nice weekend,


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