[MapServer-dev] Remove requirement for TEMPLATE keyword?

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Sun Jan 26 09:44:44 PST 2025


I've also always been perplexed by the implicit use of template to mean 
queryable. Maybe we need a QUERYABLE ON keyword ?


Le 26/01/2025 à 09:47, Seth G via MapServer-dev a écrit :
> Hi devs,
> One of the issues I've run into when explaining MapServer to colleagues is the TEMPLATE keyword. The docs don't really explain its purpose, or mention how it makes a layer "queryable" [1]. I also ran into myself this week when a layer wasn't displaying in the OGC Features API as I forgot to add TEMPLATE to the LAYER definition.
> Should dropping the requirement to add a TEMPLATE to a LAYER to make it queryable be considered in a future release?
> There are more and more examples of the following, which is hard to explain to new users:
>      TEMPLATE "ttt"
>      # or
>      ...
> There are also many cases in the codebase where this is set automatically anyway:
>      layer->template = msStrdup("ttt");
> The only problem I can see is that it could accidentally allow feature attributes to "leak" out, e.g. for LAYERs with a "select * from tbl", but there is a prevalence of examples when TEMPLATE is set to a fake value anyway.
> Are there any other side-effects if it were set to be "on" by default?
> Seth
> [1] https://mapserver.org/mapfile/layer.html#mapfile-layer-template
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