[Mapserver-inspire] Advertizing the INSPIRE default style (Implementation Requirement 42)

Guillaume Sueur no-reply at neogeo-online.net
Fri Apr 15 04:03:51 EDT 2011

Completely, yes. Usage of CLASSGROUP is the way to have a style named 
correctly. It becomes a little bit more complicated with the 
multilingual requirement.
Thus, the lack of style:title declaration in MapServer is a failure too.



Le 14/04/2011 17:16, Passmore, James H. a écrit :
> Hi Bart,
> I may have misread this, but as far as I can work out the requirement is that the default style should be called "inspire_common:DEFAULT".  As I am only providing one style for each layer I just have to rename it.
> Therefore I just need to set:  CLASSGROUP "inspire_common:DEFAULT" in each layer of the map file, and then in each LAYER CLASS add a GROUP "inspire_common:DEFAULT" value
> e.g.
> ...
>      CLASSGROUP "inspire_common:DEFAULT"
>      CLASSITEM "Lith_1"
>      NAME "Mudstone"
>      GROUP "inspire_common:DEFAULT"
>      EXPRESSION "urn:cgi:classifier:CGI:SimpleLithology:201001:clastic_mudstone"
>      COLOR 178 140 89
>      NAME "Sandstone"
>      GROUP "inspire_common:DEFAULT"
>      EXPRESSION "urn:cgi:classifier:CGI:SimpleLithology:201001:clastic_sandstone"
>      COLOR 242 218 121
>      NAME "Clay"
>      GROUP "inspire_common:DEFAULT"
>      EXPRESSION "urn:cgi:classifier:CGI:SimpleLithology:201001:clay"
>      COLOR 250 242 191
> ...
> In my newly updated service this gives me:
> ...
>                  <Style>
>                      <Name>inspire_common:DEFAULT</Name>
>                      <Title>inspire_common:DEFAULT</Title>
>                      <LegendURL width="280" height="828">
>                          <Format>image/png</Format>
>                          <OnlineResource xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:type="simple"
>                              xlink:href="http://ogc.bgs.ac.uk/BGS_Bedrock_and_Surface_Geology/wms.php?version=1.3.0&amp;service=WMS&amp;request=GetLegendGraphic&amp;sld_version=1.1.0&amp;layer=BGS.1M.surface.GeologicUnit&amp;format=image/png&amp;STYLE=inspire_common:DEFAULT"
>                          />
>                      </LegendURL>
>                  </Style>
> ...
> Is this your understanding of the requirement?
> James

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