RE. Gifs created, but not displayed

Jim T. Bowen (GAIA Consultants Inc.) bowenj at
Tue Aug 3 09:55:37 PDT 1999

Hi all,

Many thanks to Steve for the fix.  Here's the poop, summed:

Gif images were created, but displayed only if layer types were
exclusively raster

The issue was with my fontset file.  I hardcoded in font paths and
filename in my map file.  This worked in 3.211, but not in 3.219.  I had
problems with my fontset file previously, so I just hardcoded (quick and
dirty fix) the font file.  

Legend items are not created for raster layers; therefore, the issue
*appeared* as if it were image related, but really was legend
related...ultimately fonts related.  It evaded me as the demo data set
contained no True type font examples and it had worked before (famous
last words).

I believe Steve is looking into handling a trap for this.

 ___________________________________    GGG G   AAA      III    AAA     
|  Jim T. Bowen, M.Sc., Principal   |  G   GG     A       I       A     
|                                   | G     G    A A      I      A A    
|Suite 306,  822-11th Ave. S.W.     | G     G    A A      I      A A    
|Calgary, Alberta, Canada  T2R 0E5  | G         A   A     I     A   A   
|Ph: 403-571-7213  Fax: 403-571-7211| G   GGGG  A   A     I     A   A   
|_______bowenj at gaiaenv.com__________| G     G   AAAAA     I     AAAAA   
                                      G     G  A     A    I    A     A          G    G  A     A    I    A     A
                                        GGGG  AAA   AAA  III  AAA   AAA

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