Web interface to archives

Thomas E. Burk teb at mallit.fr.umn.edu
Mon Jun 28 06:44:12 PDT 1999

We have put in place a _simple_ Web interface to the maapserver-users message archive. See the Support page on the mapserver Web site 
<http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu>. The interface allows access to messages by 
month, excluding the current month (which, since the current month is 06 1999, 
could be grabbed by sending a message to majordomo at lists.gis.umn.edu with the 
body {get mapserver-users mapserver-users.9906} without the braces). If list 
traffic increases we will make this more sophisticated and add searching.

Thomas E. Burk
University of Minnesota
tburk at forestry.umn.edu

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