mouse-over "map tips"

Paul G. Allen pgallen at
Thu Nov 4 17:21:18 PST 1999

Brent Fraser wrote:

> Steve,  (and all)   I ran across and saw that they
> were showing aGIF with "map tips" when the mouse passes over road
> features. Looking at the HTML source, I see that they are using client-side
> image maps with"area" tags with polygons and mouse-over text (in the "alt"
> portion of the tag?): <area alt="Calle Burgos" title="Calle Burgos"
> href="imsql.asp?Layer=Eje_de_vía&Label=Calle_Burgos" shape="poly"
> coords="-41,74,2,77,46,88,46,92,2,81,-41,78">Might be an interesting
> enhancement to MapServer (version 4.0?)Of course since most of us are using
> Steve's spiffy Java mapimage.class tointeract with the image, it might not be
> that useful.

With the exception of myself. When attempting to get the mapimage.class to work,
I did something to my system so that now I can't even get Steve's example
( , Example #5) to
work. My browser says the applet is running, but I get no map displayed, only
the interface. I can't draw a box either.



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