Shape file creation??

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Tue Nov 9 21:38:52 EST 1999

If you've got perl or awk you could simply write calls to the shpadd and dbfadd utilities in the shapelib directory in the distribution. You'd have to call shpcreate and dbfcreate to initialize the files, but this should be very straight forward.

This should work on NT or unix.


<<< Kieran Ames <kames at> 11/ 9  5:50p >>>
I'm shooting from the hip here...
Does anyone know if there is anything like "txt2shp.exe" that could take
a text file (or ODBC result) that contains points and looks like this:

NAME    LONG    LAT    ATTR_1    ATTR_2    ATTR_3        etc.....

and convert it to the appropriate shp, dbf, shx files?



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