Once again I've partially answered my own questions

Paul G. Allen pgallen at randomlogic.com
Thu Oct 14 08:14:32 EDT 1999

By reading a little about the Shapelib API and writing a small application, I
have been able to concatenate shapefile data painlessly. I also know how I can
convert the data from our field units into a format that can be used by
MapServer. I'd still like to know if/how a color table can be used though.

The only missing piece now seems to be a decent TSP (Travelling Salesman
Problem) program and vehicle routing program. So far what I've seen on the web
is not really what we need: The VRP data I've seen deals with forms of the TSP
with Time Windows, when all I want is an algorithm to tell me how to get from
point A to point B within a city, not from city to city. So far the quick and
easy solution eludes me, but if I have to write my own, so be it. :)

Thanks to all those who've given me insight into the workings of MapServer,
shapefiles, and Shapelib.


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