
mocha mochaexpress at
Wed Apr 19 20:33:18 PDT 2000

basically that was what i was talking about. having a db back end to store 
the data (points, polygons, features, etc) one can extract that information 
quickly for what ever purpose. for instance, if i want to do a route from a 
to b, or find the nearest restaurant to my office etc by zipcode etc.. 
using lat and long. i'd only need one common db back end. then i can plot 
all of this to my hearts desire on my map.

At 10:32 PM 4/19/00 -0400, Robert Chavez wrote:

>I've used MapScript with some Perl to build interfaces to PostGreSQL
>databases  -- using a database of points, polygons, spatial extents,
>raster images, etc.  Perl and MapScript handle everything quite
>cleanly and nicely.  So far speed hasn't been an issue.
>What kind of interfaces did you have in mind?
>Rob Chavez
>On Wed, 19 Apr 2000, mocha wrote:
> > anyone working on interfacing mapserver to an sql db (mysql?). i think 
> this
> > would speed it up a little.
> >

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