Problems with queries and toleranceunits

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Tue Aug 8 10:14:15 PDT 2000

It's a bug. PIXELS is not recognized as a keyword. Probably was overlooked
since PIXELS is the default and setting it is redundant. Will fix... Workaround
is not to add that line.

As for behavior with other units I'd have to see URLs showing how they are
being used and with what buffer values.


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> Cameron Shorter <cameron at> 08/08/00 08:28AM >>>
I'm having problems querying a points file which seem to be related to
"tolerance" flag.

When my mapfile says "TOLERANCEUNITS pixels" I get the following error:
getSymbol(): Incorrect symbol. (pixels):(245)

Either there is a bug here, or the doco needs updating, see below:
toleranceunits [pixels|feet|inches|kilometers|meters|miles|dd]: Units of
the tolerance value. Default is pixels. 

So if I specify any other kind of unit, a multiple query returns all the
points in my mapfile.

I'm using mapserv 3.3.010 on redhat.

Cameron Shorter          Web Mapping Manager
Social Change Online
6A Nelson Street         Tel: +61 (0) 2 9557 6500
Annandale NSW 2038       Fax: +61 (0) 2 9519 8940
Sydney, Australia

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