TrueType font support with PHP 3.0.15 on RH 6.2 ?

Doyon, Jean-Francois Jean-Francois.Doyon at
Thu Aug 17 16:25:25 EDT 2000


Much thanks for the offer, but I've figured it out ...

I've managed to compile a version of PHP that suits my needs and
works with proper TTf support ...

I did however HAVE to specify --without-ttf ...

So I'm ok for now ... this does seem strange though, good thing I don't
need it :)

Thanks for the help,

> ----------
> From: 	Daniel Morissette[SMTP:danmo at]
> Sent: 	Thursday, August 17, 2000 3:27 PM
> To: 	Doyon, Jean-Francois
> Cc: 	mapserver-users at
> Subject: 	Re: TrueType font support with PHP 3.0.15 on RH 6.2 ?
> "Doyon, Jean-Francois" wrote:
> > 
> > Goodday,
> > 
> > Has any one successfully used the PHP module with FreeType support ?
> > 
> > Mine seems to be bombing when I switch to true type fonts ...The exact
> > same mapfile works fine with Bitmap fonts ...
> > 
> > Do I need some special FreeType support built into PHP ?
> > 
> > I'm just using the standard RPM's ...
> > 
> Bonjour Jean-Francois,
> I have displaying FreeType fonts on my RedHat 6.2
> system.  However I am not using the PHP that came with RH6.2... I had to
> recompile my own because I needed the DBase module linked in.
> And following your message I tried switching back to the original PHP
> that came with RH6.2 and my application started crashing like yours as
> soon as it tries to display TT Fonts.
> A quick compare of the 2 phpinfo() outputs tells me that the PHP that
> came with RH included FreeType support but my new one didn't.  that
> could explain the bug.
> I can give you a copy of my new if you want... it should
> solve your problem for now, until I have time to look into the real
> source of the bug.
> Later,
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>  Daniel Morissette                       danmo at
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>   Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if 
>       you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow.

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