users creating data

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Fri Aug 18 06:52:56 PDT 2000

It won't, not for awhile anyway. Unless of course your using SDE to
store your data. One could always write it themselves.... ;->


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> "Paul G. Allen" <pgallen at> 08/03/00 03:26AM >>>
I am using DB2 for handling my data outside of that which is in the
shapefiles. I am just learning DB2 and creating my database (it's
created for the most part, but I need to import all my data into it).
Then I'll have to learn the Perl DBD-DB2 module, etc. so I can access
the data. I noticed when reading the DB2 documentation, there is a GIS
extension available. When I saw this, I thought "Wouldn't it be great
if MapServer and/or MapScript could handle interaction with a DB2 GIS
database directly?"

Maybe it can, maybe it can't, maybe it will, maybe it won't, but it is
something I thought I'd pose on the list.


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