Radio button!

Sara Yurman syurman at
Fri Aug 18 09:54:19 EDT 2000

Hi Andrea,

I copied radio buttons for zoom in, zoom out and pan from the demo.
They look like this in my template file (*.html):

      <input type=radio name=zoomdir value=0 [zoomdir_0_check]> Pan
      <input type=radio name=zoomdir value=1 [zoomdir_1_check]> Zoom In
      <input type=radio name=zoomdir value=-1 [zoomdir_-1_check]> Zoom

Hope that helps.


aborruso at wrote:
> I have three radio button, zoomin, zoomout and pan, and a checkbox (info,
> query map), but I would like tu use info checkbox like a radiobotton, in
> other worlds I would like that when I check info radiobotton the other
> three bottons should become deselected.
> Andrea

Sara Yurman
Spatial Focus, Inc.
syurman at
Voice: 404-378-0989      Fax: 209-254-9531
(See attached file: syurman.vcf)
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