mapimage applet

marcelo jury mjury at
Fri Aug 18 09:54:21 EDT 2000


with the intention of make  mapimage applet loads a new image,
I tryied to use the " newMap(URLParam) "  mapimage applet's method, but the
first problem comes
out trying to figure  out how the URLParam should be set. Since it has to
be just a url to a pic, I  guess "URLParam" could be
a URL kind of template instead of the HTML type,  but I dont know how  it


after  many attempts, the result is the same...:

Content-type: text/html  returnHTML(): Web application error. Malformed
template name.

so I run  into another way: (Mode=map)

<input  type="button"
t_layers]&imgbox=-1+-1+-1+-1&mode=map')"  value="Apply"  >

but it brings nothing.
>From the source  code of one of the results I took the url and pasted it
directly into  the
browser... and confirmed that the url works properly.

If all this  would work the idea was to move this button onclick's code to
a APPLET Tag  onmouseup event... but unffortunatly this event is not
It  should at least in IE5 as this page at MSDN confirm:

Ok..thats  all. THANKS  A LOT FOR ANY COMMENT about this  issues!

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