Integrating attribute data from relational databases with Map Server

Vinod Chettur chetturv at
Fri Aug 18 09:57:10 EDT 2000

Hi Stephen:
The rates are dynamically computed using stored procedures based on user
input. So for example, death rates/1000 by counties for cancer for a given
year are obtained as a result set:
County 1 - 4.2/1000
County 2 - 3.0/1000
and so on.

So I would like to represent these rates by county as color coded
such as

blue =  >0 and <1
green = >=1 and < 5
red >=5 etc.
Categories could be done in SQL itself if needed. Just wondering what my
strategy will be to merge this resultset with my counties shape file on the

Thanks, Vinod

> -----Original Message-----
> From:   Stephen Lime [SMTP:steve.lime at]
> Sent:   Thursday, August 10, 2000 12:00 PM
> To:     Vinod Chettur
> Subject:     Re: Integrating attribute data from relational databases
> with MapServer
> Do you want to map the rates or display the rates summaries based on
> a users interaction with a map. Depending on what exactly you'd like to
> do there are different stratagies you can use.
> Steve
> Stephen Lime
> Internet Applications Analyst
> Minnesota DNR
> 500 Lafayette Road
> St. Paul, MN 55155
> 651-297-2937
> >>> Vinod Chettur <chetturv at> 08/10/00 10:12AM >>>
>    Hello everyone:
>    Just wondering about the state of things with regards to relational
> database integration with mapserver. I am currently invoking a bunch of
> stored SQL procedures to generate tabular reports of statistical
> computations done at the database server (NT 4.0 /SQL Server). I hope to
> be
> able to represent these statistical rates for various counties in Ontario
> using MapServer. Wondering if any pointers or examples are out there
> perhaps
> with the new PHP module or otherwise.
>    Thanks in advance,
>    Vinod Chettur
>    Senior Systems Consultant, NHIP
>    Canada

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