ShapefileObj ?

Doyon, Jean-Francois Jean-Francois.Doyon at
Wed Aug 23 14:50:35 EDT 2000

Hello everyone, it's me again :)

I was wondering if the the ms_newShapefileObj (PHP/Mapscript) only supports
shapes .(shp,.shx), or also attributes (.dbf) ?

I need to map the results of a search from a database, and I was thinking
one easy way to do it might be to
create a temporary shape file with the results (shapes and attributes), and
then work from there (It just so
happens that the results come in a different projection (Decimal Degrees
instead of lambert), so I was going
to take advantage of the Proj.4 features as well ) ...

The only problem right now is that the method doesn't seem to talk about
attribute data, only shapes.

And even then, when I add a shape, I won't know or have the index value, so
that maybe I could use the PHP
built in DBase routines to handle the attribute part ... Meaning I can't
maintain the relationship between a shape
and it's attributes ...

Has anybody come across this type of scenario ? Any suggestions on how best
to proceed ?

Thanks !

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