php3-mapscript and TTF Symbology

Doyon, Jean-Francois Jean-Francois.Doyon at
Thu Aug 31 16:43:19 EDT 2000

Hello AGAIN :)

Allright, got the projection stuff going great, thanks again :)

Now I'm trying to get TTF Symbology working, and am running
into some problems.

I'm using a file called "geosymb.ttf", no idea where it came from.

Then I define in marker.sym

Name 'capital'
Type TrueType
Character "e"

But nothing shows up ! Ever ! Even stranger, sometimes ALL my TTF stuff
disappears off the chart (All city names and their symbols, which are
vectors, I'm just
trying to change the symbol on ONE city). In some instances, it seems that
within a certain radius (the bigger the symbol size, the more disappears) of
the said city
disappears ! Things also seem to behave differently depending on extent/zoom
Basically, the minute I try to put a TTF symbol in there things go bezerk.

The Text (Labelling) is TTF, and that's been working fine all along.

I even tried using my arial.ttf file (Which I use for labeling) to do
symbols, but ... same thing.

This is the TOP layer BTW, (i.e. the last one to be added) if that makes a

Oh , an dI've of course tried a variety of "Character" ... Also, when
windows says a character
is "Alt+0168", how do I use that with a symbol file ???

Anybody have any problems with this ? Any idea what I'm doing wrong ?

Maybe I'll go try it with the Perl version if I have some time tomorrow ...

Thanks again, and again, and again ...

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