Mapserver on a cd-rom???

Doyon, Jean-Francois Jean-Francois.Doyon at
Fri Dec 15 06:24:33 PST 2000

Yes, it is !

Although I've never tried it specifically with Mapserver, I've run entire
websites and webservers from a CD ROM ...

I use Sambar ( ... It supports CGI and even comes with
a Perl 5 interpreter.

It can be configured to run fully from CD-ROM, all you'd have to do is add
your website and CGI's and so on ...


> ----------
> From: 	aborruso at[SMTP:aborruso at]
> Sent: 	Friday, December 15, 2000 4:07 AM
> To: 	mapserver-users at
> Subject: 	Mapserver on a cd-rom???
> Dear users,
> is it possible to run mapserver powered website on a cd-rom. I work in
> microsoft systems.
> Thank you,
> Andrea

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