
Frederic Marchand bomek at
Wed Dec 20 17:13:35 PST 2000

Hey there! i just installed Apache 1.3.14 with PHP4.0.4 and keep segfaulting! so, i compiled mapserver with mpatrol
to see what's going on and here is the output:

@(#) mpatrol 1.3.2 (00/12/18)
Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Graeme S. Roy

This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
conditions; see the GNU Library General Public License for details.

For the latest mpatrol release and documentation,

Log file generated on Wed Dec 20 20:06:02 2000

system page size:  4096 bytes
default alignment: 4 bytes
overflow size:     0 bytes
overflow byte:     0xAA
allocation byte:   0xFF
free byte:         0x55
allocation stop:   0
reallocation stop: 0
free stop:         0
unfreed abort:     0
small boundary:    32 bytes
medium boundary:   256 bytes
large boundary:    2048 bytes
lower check range: -
upper check range: -
failure frequency: 0
failure seed:      977360761
prologue function: <unset>
epilogue function: <unset>
handler function:  <unset>
log file:          <unset>
profiling file:    mpatrol.out
tracing file:      mpatrol.trace
program filename:  /usr/sbin/httpd
symbols read:      10762
autosave count:    0
freed queue size:  0
allocation count:  172
allocation peak:   36 (186679 bytes)
allocation limit:  0 bytes
allocated blocks:  36 (186679 bytes)
freed blocks:      0 (0 bytes)
free blocks:       6 (18121 bytes)
internal blocks:   57 (933888 bytes)
total heap usage:  1138688 bytes
total compared:    0 bytes
total located:     0 bytes
total copied:      0 bytes
total set:         592 bytes
total warnings:    0
total errors:      1

ERROR: [ILLMEM]: illegal memory access at address 0x00000000
    0x00000000 not in heap
[Wed Dec 20 20:06:02 2000] [notice] child pid 3116 exit signal Aborted (6)

I hope this gonna help! I wonder why it try to access this address... It
is a mapserver bug, apache bug, mapserver bug or a human bug (in this
case, me...)

Thanks a lot!

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