Logical Expressions...

Jason Maestri sl57k at cc.usu.edu
Tue Feb 8 22:02:50 PST 2000

Hey, has anybody been able to get the logical expression stuff to work
properly?  I am trying to do the folowing:
    ([LEVEL2] eq 'WATER')
It works as a regex, or a string exp, but not as a logical exp.  The
cases are correct (ie: the entries in the dbf are all in caps), as are
the names.  When I use this query, the whole layer dissapears.  Any
ideas?  I'd like to be able to  use:
    ([LEVEL2] eq 'WATER' and [PERIMITER] > 5000), or something similar.

Incidentally, ([LUCODE] < 15) works, but (16 > [LUCODE] < 1) does not.

Thanks in advance,
    Jason Maestri
    Utah Water Research Laboratory
    Utah State University

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