Complex query on Shapefiles attributes

bfischer at bfischer at
Fri Feb 18 08:28:40 PST 2000

Hello Everyone,

     I have a question regarding a query on a shapefile's attributes.
Here is what I am trying to do.  I have an image where the user can click
on a polygon and retrieve it's attributes.  This part I have working and
understand.  Now I would like to take the value three of the attributes
from the polygon that the user selected and use it in a expression.  Here
is an example of the logic:  The user selected a polygon, from this I can
get the polygon's attributes called num1, num2, and num3.  I want to use
the values of num1, num2, and num3 to put into a query or class expression
like ([num1] >= [num2] and [num1] <= [num3]). From this I would get a
number of selected polygons to return to the user in a map with all the
polygons highlighted.  I am working with only the polygon features within
one shapefile.
     Can this be done with mapserv or do I need to look at doing this in
Javascript or some other language?  I would also like to comment on the
discussion of development tools for Mapserver.  For myself an
Avenue/ArcView extension would be useful.

Any suggestions would be apprecieted,

Brian Fischer
bfischer at
2280 Woodale Dr.
Mounds View, MN
(612) 783-3133

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