Visual map file builder

Daniel Morissette danmo at
Fri Jul 7 16:33:56 EDT 2000

Stephen Lime wrote:
> Hello users: I'm starting a new project to aid in building map files. The plan now is to
> use MapScript and Perl/Tk to build a GUI for creation and editing map files. I wanted
> to find out what, if anything, others are doing in this area. I know there are a couple
> of folks using ArcView to create map files but I think we need something a bit more
> MapServer centric. Lemme know...


We have started working on a similar idea, but that would be written
using PHP and MapScript.  Our plan is to build a set of simple web
interfaces to navigate in the .MAP file, make changes, do previews of
maps, and save modified .MAP file.  The same way as you, we do not want
something based on ArcView or any other GIS... we want it 100%
MapServer-based, and we also want something that works on any OS where
MapServer can run.

However, this is a low priority project for us at the moment, so I'm not
sure when we would have something useful available.  If you guys get
something working before we do and it is in the same style as what we
want to build, then we might decide to use your version instead.  As
usual, I would rather spend our time improving your tool than
reinventing the wheel.  Please keep us posted.

BTW, would it be a good idea to have a page on the MapServer web site
with a wish-list, and a list of features planned or currently being
added to MapServer?  This would give all users an idea of what's coming,
and when it might be available.  And it would definitely help preventing
duplication of efforts.  Anyways... just a thought.

 Daniel Morissette                       danmo at
  Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if 
      you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow.

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