limitations ?

Matthias Schulz at GAF schu at
Wed Jul 12 14:47:04 EDT 2000

Hi there,

is there a limitation on the cgi-parameters sent to the mapserver or
some other limitation to the number of shapefiles (features). Switching
all layers on in my application sometimes causes a server error. This
occurs especially with two layers which are displayed depending on the
scale and are relative big. The error log of my Apache server says:
Premature end of script headers: ../mapserv.

It would even help me if someone would tell me if there exist any
limitations, so it will be more easy to find the error. Or might it be a
server problem ?

I am looking forward to any suggestions, thanks,



Matthias Schulz
GAF mbH   Arnulfstr. 197   80634 Muenchen   Germany
tel.: +49 (0)89 121528-28    fax: +49 (0)89 121528-79
mailto:schu at         URL:

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